
Small message that appears temporarily in the corner of the screen

When to use a toast

  • Non-intrusive feedback: When you want to notify users of actions that don’t require immediate attention, such as confirming a successful action (e.g., "Data was refreshed").
  • Informational messaging: For short messages that provide updates, reminders, or confirmations without interrupting the user's workflow.
  • Temporary notifications: When the message is relevant only for a short period, such as auto-saving notifications or background processing updates.




Toasts can be dismissed by the user or fade away after a specific amount of time. If you limit time, ensure users has a sufficient amount of time to read through and process the information in the toast.



Best practices

  • Keep the message brief and straightforward.
  • Use toasts for actions that have been successfully completed or minor alerts.
  • Position the toast in a consistent location for device to avoid disrupting user focus (see Layout)