
Other charts

Here are some charts that we use within Delish that don’t fit traditional chart groups like bar, plot, part-to-whole and line.





Maps are useful when geography is central to the data story. Before using a map, consider other chart types. A bar chart is an effective way of showing sales across states or regions. Just because information can be displayed geographically doesn’t mean that it should be.


Find your platform components here:

Figma | Tableau | Power BI




Radar charts are circular charts used to compare data across measures or timeframes. One benefit of a radar chart compared to a line or area chart is that it can show a lot of information in a compact format.


Find your platform components here:

Figma | Tableau | Power BI




Sankey diagrams show the flow of quantities between different stages or entities using arrows or bands of varying widths, where the width represents the magnitude of the flow.


Find your platform components here:

Figma | Power BI




A timeline displays a list of events in chronological order, intending to show the significance or impact of a single event. This chart type usually involves annotation and a structured story.


Find your platform components here:

Figma | Tableau




Consider other chart types before using

Consider other chart types before using charts with this label. They might be appropriate, but less familiar charts are often misinterpreted—book office hours with the data viz team if you’re unsure.




Other Chart Guidelines

Keep map outlines light

The outlines of maps are analogous to gridlines on a chart. They should be visible but they are not the main information.


Consider alternatives if the difference in values are important

Maps, like this choropleth map shown below, use color to group states with similar metric values together, but are not useful for comparing exact values. If you need to compare exact values, consider bar charts. Choropleth maps can also exaggerate metrics represented by large states. For example, readers may perceive Texas to have the largest value because it is a large state.


Use transparency in radar charts

Transparency ensures that overlapping shapes are visible. Solid shapes obscure overlapping areas.


Show timelines left to right

Orient timelines so they mirror English sentence structure, from left to right.