Data Viz overview

Kraft Heinz Enterprise Data Visualizations effectively drive data-driven decisions by creating beautiful and engaging storytelling narratives from raw data.

Data visualization simplifies complex concepts, drawing out narratives that are easier to remember and effectively communicate to others. Our data visualization experiences help monitor, explore and understand the health of the business.


We surface insights in our products through four distinct actions. These actions will sometimes overlap within one product.


How are we doing?

Key performance indicators, leading and lagging indicators, targets and benchmarks help observe the overall health of the business

What needs my attention?

Direct visualizations with story-telling charts that simplify complex subjects, allow a rapid snapshot and facilitate data-backed actions

What more can I learn?

Uncover hidden patterns, trends and insights by allowing users to drill into problem and success areas over time

What actions should I take?

Data transformed into actionable information that predicts future trends and informs best possible outcomes



Data Viz Principles


Office Hours

The Data Viz Team holds Office Hours --> Book some time with us

We're here to help you with:


--Chart selection

--Data viz best practices

--Delish data viz standards

Interactive platform guidance

--Charts for Tableau/PBI/React

--Chart functionality

--Features that create useful interactions


Presentation consultation

--Tailored charts and custom data viz

--PowerPoint and Excel templates

Data Storytelling

Help with crafting a data story by understanding your data’s unique story and value add, your audience’s needs, identifying key messages, a narrative and visual hierarchy


The Team

Sara Holcombe
Principal Data Visualization Designer

Margaret Porteus
Senior Data Visualization Designer

Steph Bradley
Senior Data Visualization Designer

James Wood
Data Visualization Design Engineer


Data viz resources