
Using the templates

The two workflows for Power BI include building out a report on your own, or partnering with a designer. The primary difference between these workflows is the use of an image background in your PBI report. Follow the steps below for workflow details.


Video Tutorial


If you have design support

  1. Open a new blank PowerBI Desktop (.pbix file)
    Different than Tableau, we do not provide a template file for PBI, and instead rely on an advanced theme file to format reports
  2. Add the Delish theme file to your workbook
    This theme file will format all charts and visuals that you add to your report page
  3. Add your image background
    Your designer will supply you a background image (a PNG or SVG). This will allow you to easily align your visuals and page elements with the design and not worry about formatting. Add the image to your canvas background.
    • Change your background to 1400 px width and change the height to fit your design
    • Add canvas background. Change “Image Fit” to “Fit”
    • View how
  4. Add your visuals to the dashboard
    Build out your visuals and drop them within the borders of the background image. Keep the visual inside the background image frames. The theme file that was added in Step 2 will automatically format the visual. View how
  5. Refine your design
    You may need to refine your visual as needed to align everything with your design, and the specs of Delish.


If you don't have design support

  1. Open a new blank PowerBI Desktop (.pbix file)
    Different than Tableau, we do not provide a template file for PBI. We rely on an advanced theme file to format reports.
  2. Add the Delish theme file to your workbook
    This theme file will format all charts and visuals that you add to your report page. The JSON theme file is available here: PowerBI | View how
  3. Select and add your image background
    There are premade dashboard layouts available for a wide range of designs. Using these images (SVG files) as an image background can speed up building out a dashboard.
    • Change your background to 1400px width and change the height to fit your design
    • Select your background image from the layouts available in this file: Template Backgrounds
    • Add canvas background and change “Image Fit” to “Fit” | View how
  4. Add your visuals to the dashboard
    Build out your visuals and drop them within the borders of the background image. Keep the visual inside the background image frames. The theme file that was added in step 2 will automatically format the visual. | View how
  5. Refine your design
    You may need to refine your visual as needed to align everything with your design, and the specs of Delish.
  1. Download a copy of the template file
    This template is intended to be a starting point, and isn’t prescriptive to how you should design for your specific project. The PBIX file is available here: PowerBI
  2. Add the Delish theme file to your workbook
    This theme file will format all charts and visuals that you add to your report page. The JSON theme file is available here: PowerBI | View how
  3. Format your dashboard layout
    • Use the shapes provided and move them around to fit your intended design.
    • If necessary, add your own shapes or copy and paste existing shapes. Align the styling with existing template shapes. | View how
  4. Add visuals to dashboard
    • Build out your visuals and drop them within the borders of the shapes. Keep the visual inside the background image frames.
    • The theme file that was added in step 2 will automatically format the visual. The JSON theme file is available here: PowerBI | View how
  5. Reference Chart Gallery for any further design alignment of inspiration
  6. Update and change meta data and titles
    • Change the dashboard titles
    • Change the chart titles if and where needed
    • View how
  7. Remove the reference image background
    This background image can be used as a guide to indicate proper 24px spacing on the outside edges of the page
    • Click out of any shapes or charts
    • Open the formatting pane and “Canvas Background”
    • Bring the transparency to 100% to remove the guidelines
    • View how